“Development of a low-waste technology for manufacture of glass products with increased strength”.
Co-funded by the European Union out of the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Programme. Implemented under the National Centre for Research and Development competition: 2/1.1.1/2018 “Competition for large businesses and consortia implemented under Measure 1.1 “Business research & development projects”, Submeasure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and developmental work conducted by businesses”.
We are glad to inform that KROSNO GLASS S.A.
has been granted funds for the project “Development of a low-waste technology for manufacture of glass products with increased strength”.
Value of the project – 31 770 600.00 PLN
Funding amount – 12 783 858.75 PLN
Execution period – 2014 – 2020
The subject of the project implemented by KROSNO is the development of a low-waste technology for manufacture of glass products with increased strength, which will allow the company to offer improved products on the market. The new developed processing solutions will provide a significant reduction in the amount of waste produced in the manufacturing process and lower the energy consumption. Furthermore, the research work planned under the project is intended to result in the development of a new raw material set for melting of glass with a new chemical composition, providing increased mechanical strength and water resistance, as well as having processing length adapted to the technology of forming the products made in the manufacturing process. Based on the findings and analyses obtained from the attempts at melting various recipes of glass-making sets, the ones which guarantee a homogeneous glassy alloy and smudge- and bubble-free glass will be selected. The project targets assumed by KROSNO involve the development, execution, and validation of a pilot processing line. The project accommodates the global trend of lowering mass production costs, including limitation of shortcomings and energy consumption costs, which has been noticeable on the markets.